Hey Everyone – Time to Vote for the Coolsmiles Best Halloween Photo Contest Winner… All the entries are in.
You decide who will win a $100 gift card for holiday shopping. Check out the photos and vote for your favorite choice.
To be fair to all contestants, only one vote per person, please! 😉
- In the comment box on the bottom write down the number of your favorite photo.
- We will announce the winner on 12/15/09 so don’t delay in voting for your favorite!
I vote for #4 King Kong
I vote for #4 King Kong
I vote for King kong! #4
I voted for King Kong #4
I vote for #4 King Kong
Very creative and obviously a lot of work went into this. Well done and good luck!
I vote for pic # 4
I love the Umpaa Loompas!
I vote for #8, the umpa loompas. How cute!!
Love the oompa loompas
I vote for number eight: umpas lumpas!!!!!!
# 8
We vote for Pic #7 Vampire
I choose number 3!!! What a great makeup job!!
RU kidding me it has to be lucky #7
I vote for the Vampire #7
#8 is my pick! They’re adorable. 🙂
We voted for #7
rock on
my Fav is #8
HANDS DOWN – #8!!!!!!
I vote for number 2
I think number 1 and 2 are great so I will vote for number 2
Our vote is for #4…love the Empire State Building and Barbie doll…
I vote for # 7 Vampire
Pumpking baby is so nice
# 4
#3 awesome love kiss
Vampires Rule #7!!!!!
Love the OOMPAS!
I vote for #7
I vote for #7 – Great Vampire!
Awesome job vampire — #7 for sure
#4 Is great! Nicely thought of!
#2 very cute
I vote for Pic #8.
# 7 I LOVE the Vampire costume, Great job with the makeup!!!
I vote for King Kong #4
Well done #7! What an ingenious costume. It looks like so much effort went into your costume! You surely have my vote! Woooohoooooo!
I like #3 costume
oompah loompahs baby!!!!
I vote for #6!!!!!!
#4 King Kong
We vote for #8
We vote for Erica vampire #7
I vote for #4 King Kong, very clever!
We vote for number 8!!!
Awesome Vampire!!!!
We vote for #8, it was a difficult decision everyone looks great
We vote #7
vote #8 yay
#3 great costume
I vote for #3!
I vote for #7…..
With out a doubt I vote for #3.
I vote for #7
Great custome..it rocks…love it
#3 is awesome
I vote for # 1 Sandraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =)
4 is cool
Awwee, 1 and 2 are so cute!!! My vote is for #2
i vote for #7
Well done #3
I love #7
Number 1 is great!!!
My vote is for number 2 =)
#4 Now that’s what I call an original costume. Looks like a lot of hard work went into it.
Photo #1
#3 is the coolest! I wanna rock n roll all night and party everyday!!!!!!!!! hAAA
3 i think #3 is one of the best costumes ive seen in a long time.good job!
I vote for #4
I vote for the pumpkin.. she is toooooooooo adorable
3 please
#4 all the way!!!
Number 3!!!!!! Awesome!!!
#..Kiss rocks mann!
#8 Go OOMPAS!!!!
#3 rocks!!
# 3
Kiss all the way
# 3
i pick #3
I vote for #3…cool pic
Vote #3 🙂
number 3 all the way yay
# 3 IS IT
#4 I really love the way king kong is holding the building
I vote for #3! Kiss rocks! Best costume by far!
#3…awesome kiss costume!
I vote for number three! awesom!!
I vote for King Kong, #4 !!
I vote for Kiss!!!!!!!
KISS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
twas beauty killed the beast
#4 all the way
thank you
4 is the best
3 i vote for three because it is a really good costume
I vote for #3
Excellent article i’m sure that i will come back here again