Achieving Good Dental Health and Beauty with Orthodontic Treatment

Throughout Long Island, Medford, and Port Jefferson NY, many people today are looking for ways to improve their appearance and often we hear about cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry refers to any procedure that would enhance your smile. This includes:

  • Whitening
  • Bonding
  • Veneers
  • Crowns 

Our society today is very focused on appearance and often we look for the quick fix or instant gratification when looking to create a dental makeover to improve our smile.  At Coolsmiles, our goal is to educate parents and patients on the best options to attain an incredible smile while maintaining long term dental health.

Braces, Invisalign, or Invisalign Teen are often the best option when looking to achieve a cosmetic result that will sustain itself over a lifetime.  It is also one of the least expensive alternatives over the long haul when you consider cosmetic procedures often need to be repeated and veneers and crowns must be replaced numerous times throughout life.

Obviously there are pros and cons to everything.  As orthodontists, our priority is positioning of teeth and sometimes repositioning of jaws to create the best possible occlusion or bite possible for long term good dental health.  During the process, whether it is with Invisalign or braces, an enhanced smile is a benefit of treatment.  If you are going to invest in your smile, orthodontics today is a win… win… all the way around. 

Below is a video produced by the American Association of Orthodontics for YouTube discussing why orthodontic treatment is often the smarter choice, not cosmetic quick fixes, when looking for ways to improve your appearance over a lifetime.  A good bite or occlusion should be the foundation on which a beautiful smile is built for best results.

After watching this video, what are your thoughts on straightening your teeth with orthodontic treatment vs artificially altering their structure to enhance your smile?  Be honest… we can take it!

2 thoughts on “Achieving Good Dental Health and Beauty with Orthodontic Treatment

  1. Hi there, This is my first visit to your blog and looking on, I’m impressed! Great contents! It’s good to know that there are dental professionals who are good with communicating with people as well as their patients thru blogs like this. I commend them! It is very important that dentists are able to give patients as well as the readers a clear idea and explanation of what they need to know regarding their dental problem and treatments. – Shane

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