Big Happenings at Coolsmiles!

Spring is here and we have planned many upcoming “Coolsmiles” events and I thought I would share some of  them with you.  The “Make Us Laugh” video contest was a big hit.  Congratulations to “Boy Dancers” for the winning entry.  If you haven’t seen the four finalists, it’s worth a look.  Ask about our current Mother’s Day contest currently underway.

Dr. David and I have purchased 125 Met tickets and will begin giving them away to our patients.  The game is Saturday, July 16th.  Mets vs. Phillies.  This will be our eleventh outing to see the Mets with our patients.  The summer picnic is booked for Hoyt farms on Saturday, August 20th.  This is always a fun event with a baseball, game, BBQ and a nature walk with Dr. David.  Remember the flat doc photo contest we had last year?  Well, it’s back by popular demand.  Start thinking about where you will take us. Click here to see last years entries-really funny. What else, you ask?  Get ready for the Coolsmiles Rap!  More to come, I’m exhausted just writing about it.

Any ideas to add to the list?  Leave a comment below….

Dr Leon

One thought on “Big Happenings at Coolsmiles!

  1. This sounds like fun! I can’t wait for the new contests. Mabye Coolsmiles should have a contest that patients could name all the movies they could think of. You know, kinda like the Disney Sweetheart contest. I thought the sweetheart contest was fun, so mabye this would be too. Just a thought. :]

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